The Board met last night for the April regular meeting.  During the meeting the board approved the consent agenda which included the financial report, facilities evaluation and the Food service evaluation.  The board also approved the contract with PoweSchool to provide our accounting, food service tracking, and student information services.  

As part of the regular meeting the board was disbanded and then reorganized.  As part of the reorganization new officers were elected.  The new officers are: Mrs. Edwards was elected as president, Mrs. Jennings as Vice-President, Mr. Malott as Treasurer, Mrs. Gardner as Secretary, and Mr. Postlethwait will serve as the MSBA delegate for the board.  The meetings will be scheduled on the third Wednesday of each month with a 7:00 pm start time.  

During the new business, the board approved the support staff receive a step on the salary schedule.  This step is a 3% raise which is inline with the certified staff raises.  The District will continue with the MEUHP as our insurance consortium and has increased the amount that is paid of the employees benefits from $375 to $425.  The board also approved adding rules to the Salary Schedule which would allow a certified staff member to move columns based on the actual hours that have been completed toward an advance degree rather than just one step per year.  The board has added a half time process coordinator for the district who will have oversight of the IEPs and SPED programming.  The board also approved having a full time music position rather than a half time music.  This will allow the district to offer more music electives for the students.  The last item the board approved was the continuation of the after school program for next year.  The district will still provide for after school care for families that are in need of the service for $3.00 per day.  This will help to have continue the program and have an after school person from 3:00-6:00 as well as a tutor for one hour a day.  

The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for May 16, 2018.